Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Within the national map, each state is color-coded based on the scale below. Biomass potential includes all existing dry tons of biomass from crop residue, primary mill residue, secondary mill residue and urban wood residues. There are other potentially suitable categories of biomass not included here; in some regions the available data may include biomass that is not economically or ecologically sound. Thus the figures provided below serve as an indicator of potential, rather than a precise representation.

The figures below correspond with the biomass potential map scale, and they are measured in dry tons of cellulosic biomass per year, by state.

Within each state map, each county is color-coded based on the scale below. The figures represent the total dry tons of cellulosic biomass per year, by county.

Source: Biotechnology Industry Association

Facilities on this map are in operation.